
An Activities Leader and activitry co-ordinator is employed to give support and provide a range of activity that is varied and meaningful and also, where possible, encourages service users to maintain their independence. Hobbies, interests and the individual ability of service users is wide ranging and may vary from day to day, therefore activity programmes are flexible to suit the mood and wishes of individuals. All services users are encouraged to join in activity session either on a 1:1 basis or in small group sessions and their responses and involvement is recorded. 

On a Daily Basis: 

Chatting to individual service users 
Going for walks 
Playing games/board games 
Armchair exercises 
Reading letters/magazines/newspapers/books 
Helping to choose library books 
Relaxation/calming DVD (effective for reducing “Sundowning” agitation) 


All outings are geared to service users’ needs and abilities and due to this only a limited number of service users can take advantage of outing. There may be a cost for some of these outings for entry/use of facilities, etc. Examples of outings are listed below:- 
Local country parks 
Visits to a garden centre 
Visit to a pantomime, play or cinema 
Planned days out to special places 
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