Once developed, the care plan, which includes risk assessments, will be regularly reviewed to ensure that the plan remains appropriate. Changes in the needs of the service user will result in an immediate review of the care plan and any associated risks. All risks assessments and care plans are reviewed by qualified or care staff as appropriate and, where possible, the plans are formulated and reviewed with the service user and/or their representative.
Relatives are encouraged to participate in the service user’s daily routine as far as is reasonably practicable and are also invited to the formal reviews. Service users and their relatives are always welcome to chat with a member of staff if they have any concerns and, as necessary, concerns are documented and investigated (see Concerns and Complaints section below).
The Care Plan is reviewed at three levels:-
1. Daily on a shift to shift basis: At staff shift changeover, a report on each service user is passed over to the oncoming shift detailing any concerns in condition as necessary. Changes to the Care Plan may be proposed at this point or may have already been made.
2. At the end of the four week settling in period: Following discussions taking place between staff, family and care managers at the review meeting, any concerns are documented and as necessary care plans may be updated.
3. Thereafter a formal written review is undertaken by the clinical team and managers at least on a monthly basis.
All amendments to the risk assessments and care plan are reported to the Home Manager. There are certain amendments that may require the authorisation of the service user’s GP and/or Consultant. All amendments to the care plans are fully documented.
Concerns and Complaints
At Ashgate House we aim to provide the highest standard of care but from time to time there may be areas of concern which need to be discussed. If as a service user, relative or visitor you have any concerns or complaints about the service or indeed any other matter relating to the Home, you are encouraged to discuss these immediately with the person in charge of the shift or the Home Manager if on duty. Concerns/complaints should be brought to the attention of staff immediately, as often there is a simple explanation which will reduce the risk of anxiety. If the matter is in your opinion of a serious nature or if you remain dissatisfied with any explanation that you may have received, your concern/complaint will be formally recorded and investigated by the Home Manager. All concerns/complaints will be investigated and formally responded to within 28 days (the concern/complaints policy and procedure is situated in the entrance to the premises).
If following investigation you are still not satisfied or if you feel that the complaint is of a serious nature and you wish to speak to a Manager, Company Director, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) or the Local Authority (Social Services) then the contact details are as follows: